Functional Nutrition Coaching & Integrative Fitness For Women
The extra accountability of a coach to support you on your journey can make all the difference between you confidently executing towards your goals each day, versus being totally lost on the plan you just paid for.
This is even more relevant when you’re struggling with weight loss resistance, or other health issues that are hindering your efforts. It can be as emotionally draining as it is physically.
As a coach, I strive to provide a more hands-on experience by staying communicative with you throughout each week. Not only to help you stay the course on your program, but also to ensure that I understand what you need to make consistent progress because I am invested in your success as well.
Wellness Phase:
Unless you come to me in perfect health (Hey, great if you do - Let’s go!) we’ll start with a Wellness Phase designed to relieve systematic inflammation and support the liver and endocrine system. By mitigating inflammation, the body is able to prioritize recovery, which clears the way for you to start making healthy progress on your fitness goals.
I’ll also get you set up with appropriate labs to give us an overview of your current baseline and show us what we need to focus on to get you metabolically well. For many people, this is the major piece of the puzzle that’s been missing and why you are not seeing meaningful results from diet and exercise alone.
Nutrition Guidance:
Structured Flexibility is what has yielded me the best results for both clients and myself. Instead of strict meal plans or playing Macro Tetris all day, you’ll have Structured Flexibility Menus that already have your macronutrient goals dialed-in for you.
These menus function as templates with the nutrition guidelines you need to reach your personal goals while still giving you options for more flexibility, so that you can implement your plan without any guesswork if tracking macros is unfamiliar to you. This works really well when you rely on mostly whole food staples and minimally processed options.
Training & Cardio:
You’ll be provided with customized training and cardio recommendations for your specific goals and lifestyle. Throughout your program, workouts will evolve as you do based on the primary focus of the phase you’re in. For example, your workouts during a Wellness Phase will be different than a Strength Phase, or a Contest Prep.
Each day you open up your account on the Total Female Fitness client app, you’ll see all your daily goals posted to your dashboard, including your workout of the day. Everything is already posted to a digital calender, which also allows you to drag and drop workouts and rest days within the week should your schedule change.
When you tap in to begin your workout, there is a digital training log to track the weight with reps per set, or the duration of activity. These tools are super valuable to not only make sure you are getting all your workouts in, but that you are effectively getting stronger and we are staying on top of overall efficiency for time spent in the gym.
Weekly Check-ins:
The measure of your progress is so much more than what is reflected on the scale. Especially when you’re putting health first.
While bodyweight is one factor, we also track weekly pics and a few key measurements to keep tabs on body recomposition. Not just pounds lost.
If you’re getting ongoing labs to optimize your hormones, or improve specific health markers, we certainly take that into account. Even if you feel fabulous, I recommend bi-annual labs so you know what healthy looks like for you and have an accurate reference as your body changes over time.
Regardless of labs, I look at your strength progress, overall activity and biofeedback (sleep quality, hunger cues, stress response and overall energy, etc) in addition to the physical changes we want to see in order to give you a more complete assessment. These are all key for your adherence and ongoing success week to week, month to month.
On your check-in day, I will send you a same-day response with video feedback (occasionally email if it’s a day I’m traveling) to help you troubleshoot concerns, explain adjustments I’m making to your program and help you goal set for the following week.
Text Support:
I value the relationship I have with my clients and you should never be left hanging on your plan when you have a good coach. Text support is available to you within the client app Monday - Friday from 9am-7pm PST. Due to time differences and opposing schedules, you may not hear from me immediately, but you will always hear from me within the day.
With exception to my competitive athletes during Peak Week and Show Day, please understand that I do reserve nights and weekends for my family.
Your Next Step:
A woman’s biology requires an approach that compliments not only your personal goals, but your unique health history, diet/training experience and season in life. You likely found me because you’re ready to do the work it takes to create change, but would rather bypass the extra time and frustration of figuring it all out on your own.
Perhaps, you’ve already worked with other coaches and trainers who weren’t necessarily bad, they just didn’t understand what you need to make healthy progress. I’ve been there myself and know how depressing that can be when you’re truly doing your best are still struggling.
I’m beyond happy now, on the other side of my own experience, to be in a position to help other women, like you, get past your own sticking points and start making headway to achieve the results you ultimately want, with the better quality of life that comes with that.
Tap the button below to set up a complimentary discovery call with me to discuss how we can work together. I am happy to go over more details and answer questions when we speak on the phone. I look forward to hear from you.