Are you being currently being treated for, or dealing with any medical conditions? If so, please share how this impacts you and anything I should be aware of. Make sure you get permission from your doctor before making any lifestyle changes.
Is there anything specific that has led you to believe you have a hormonal imbalance (for example: unexplained weight gain, lack of energy, low libido, fatigue, etc)?
When do you typically go to bed and wake up? Do you take naps? Is your schedule different on weekends versus the work week? Do you wake up feeling rested? Find that your energy crashes mid-day? Rely on caffeine?
What do your meals look like throughout a typical day? Do you track macros or know your caloric intake? Do you follow a special diet? How often do you eat out, or treat yourself? Do you drink alcohol at all? Struggle with cravings?
What health and fitness goals do you want to achieve in the next 6 months?
Thank you for taking the time to complete the evaluation form. You’re one step closer to getting the answers you need to start making healthy progress and transforming your body!
I’ll be reaching out to you shortly with feedback to help guide you in the right direction, based on what you have shared with me. In the meantime, I’d love to connect with you on Instagram @coachjasminemarie You can always send me a direct message there.